Last Week in AI #13

Eduardo Cerna, Sept. 16, 2019

AI calculates your risk of dying from heart conditions, Tokyo's 2020 Olympics to use AI to track speed and more...

AI Calculates Risk of Dying From Heart Conditions

Researchers from MIT developed a machine learning system which they trained on historical data of patients’ health outcomes to assess the likelihood of dying from heart disease. If a patient survived, they deemed their heartbeat data as normal, if the patient didn’t survive, it was considered risky.

Read more at:Engadget

Considering AI in your company?


2020 Olympics to Use AI to Track Athletes’ Speed

In partnership with Intel, the 2020 Tokyo Olympics will show in near real-time the speed of athletes for their track and field events. The technology relies on computer vision and it will display colorful overlays to help viewers understand better what’s happening.

Read more at:The Verge

AI Consultancy Element AI Gets Massive Series B Funding

Canadian startup Element AI which aims to help companies which are not inherently technology businesses implement AI solutions, raised USD150M in its series B funding round on a USD600-700M valuation.

Read more at: TechCrunch

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